Wind and Rain Medical Manager 24 hours free health guardians

Recently, the process of continuity in many places in the south has encountered heavy precipitation.The secondary disasters such as floods, landslides, and mudslides caused by heavy rainfall not only cause great trouble to the daily lives of residents, but also threatened their health.The moist environment formed in the rainy season is easy to make the health problems in the skin, gastrointestinal and intestines more prominent.

In order to help users cope with the healthy challenges of the heavy rain season, recently, the Tai Bao’s Tai Bao’s Taibao Butler launched the “Wishaw Kang Kang” flood season consultation area in time to provide users with a 24 -hour free health consulting service.Users can obtain doctors’ reply and health management guidance through the free consultation area to deal with the current extreme weather challenges.

As a “expert hand” for health management, Tai House butler also carefully prepared a small tip of heavy rain weather, covering various aspects such as safety, protection, skin care, and diet to help users scientifically cope with the health problems of the heavy rain season.Promote a healthy “protective umbrella” for users to ensure that you and your family are healthy and worry -free.

In extreme weather such as heavy rain, individuals go to offline medical treatment may face problems such as inconvenience, hidden dangers, and waiting in line, and increase the inconvenience and risks of medical treatment.Therefore, through the online health consulting service provided by the Tai Housekeeper, users can get the doctors’ professional consultation and health suggestions at home to avoid unnecessary going out and ensure personal health and safety.

Through the Tai Hue Hutch Mini Program or APP, the user enters the free consultation area of ​​”Yangskang after heavy rain”, and he can enjoy the health consulting services provided by the platform doctors.The doctor 7*24 hours online, and it is always available to provide health guarantee for users affected by extreme weather.

As a domestic professional one -stop family and management medical service platform, Tai Medical Butler uses family doctors as the entrance to bring together high -quality medical resources to penetrate the user scene in multiple levels to meet the health management needs of users in an all -round way.At present, the platform has a diversified service team consisting of health butler, self -built doctors and external experts, and has provided professional medical and health service rights for more than 10 million users.

The housekeeper of the Tai is the responsibility of popularizing the concept of high -quality medical resources and spreading health management, and pays special attention to the health problems in extreme weather such as heavy rain.At the same time, Tai Medical Butler also urged everyone to strengthen awareness of disaster prevention and prepare flood prevention. To avoid unnecessary going out in rainstorms, to ensure the safety of themselves and their families.

In the future, Tai Medical Butler will adhere to the original intention, penetrate healthy management services into more user scenarios, truly allow high -quality medical resources to be inclusive, with the goal of “letting everyone live a healthy life”, and fully promote the transmission of “health management” concepts andThe service is reached, through AI to empower the dual medical work model, create an online+offline unbounded medical experience, and continue to promote the innovative practice of China’s “family doctor+management medical care”.

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